We were proud to support these trials with our Spinnaker Platform. Our platform—and dedicated team—played a key role in the successful execution and management of these trials. All of these studies are now closed, and the results have been published. Discover their challenges, insights and outcomes below.
A multi-centre randomised controlled trial to determine if 7 days of intravenous β-lactam in combination with standard therapy will lead to better complication-free survival 90-days after randomisation, compared to standard therapy alone in patients with MRSA blood
The TAME trial is a phase III, multi-centre, randomised, parallel-group, clinical trial in resuscitated cardiac arrest patients admitted to the intensive care unit to determine whether targeted therapeutic mild hypercapnia (TTMH) improves neurological outcome at 6 months compared to standard care (targeted normocapnia) (TN).
A multi-centre, randomised, single blinded clinical trial comparing standard vs. conservative oxygen therapy in mechanically ventilated adults in the Intensive Care Unit.
A 52- week, open label, parallel group, multi-centre, phase III, randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy and safety of three asthma treatment regimens. Recruitment in New Zealand, Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom.
This large multicentre randomised trial will provide vital information for clinicians on the safety and efficacy of Plasma-Lyte 148® in comparison with saline that will inform and influence clinical practice in Australia and worldwide.
A 52- week, open label, parallel group, multi-centre, phase III, randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy and safety of two asthma treatment regimens. A bit like NovelSTART but with recruitment in New Zealand only.
A multi-centre, phase II, randomised, open label, clinical trial comparing combined prophylactic intravenous paracetamol and early targeted physical cooling for fever with standard temperature management in mechanically ventilated adults without acute brain pathologies who are expected to be ventilated beyond the day after randomisation.
The study used a cluster cross over design to provide high quality data in a rapid time frame. Participating ICUs were randomly assigned to use either 0.9% saline or Plasma Lyte® 148 as the primary crystalloid fluid therapy in a blinded fashion in alternating 7 week blocks.
Supp PN
A stratified, prospective, multi-centre, unblinded, randomised, parallel-group phase II study to determine whether a supplemental parenteral nutrition strategy will reliably and safely increase energy intake when compared to usual care.
A 4,000 patient, multi-centre, double-blinded, randomised, controlled, parallel-group, phase III clinical trial to determine if augmentation of calorie delivery using energy dense enteral nutrition in mechanically ventilated patients improves 90 day survival when compared to routine care.
TARGET Protein
The TARGET Protein Feasibility Study is a 120 patient, multi-centre, double-blinded, randomised, controlled, parallel-group, feasibility clinical trial. The primary aim of the study is to determine if separation of mean daily protein delivery can be achieved using a higher protein enteral nutrition (EN) when compared to routine care EN, in mechanically ventilated patients.
The TASI Study tested the potential overall benefit of the TightRope versus syndesmotic screw fixation for ankle injuries.
A phase 2b randomised controlled trial investigating the safety and efficacy of intravenous paracetamol versus placebo (5% dextrose) in the treatment of fever in critically ill patients with known or suspected infection.