The world of REMAP-CAP is constantly evolving, here’s what’s new!
REMAP-CAP, a groundbreaking trial that has most recently been primarily focused on finding treatments for COVID-19, has now been selected by the National Institute for Healthcare and Research to evaluate therapeutic interventions for influenza.

New results have recently been published from the ACE2 RAS domain, one of the multiple therapeutic domains within REMAP-CAP, a trial within Spiral’s manifest of studies.

REMAP-CAP reaches new milestone
REMAP-CAP, the Randomised, Embedded, Multi-factorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia, has recently hit a significant date in its trial history, celebrating two years since the first Covid-19 ICU patient was randomised into the trial.

Spiral joins first of its kind clinical trial - continuing the fight against COVID
Spiral is pleased to announce our involvement in another incredibly exciting trial, aimed at producing effective Covid-19 treatments for critical care patients.

Full-dose blood thinners benefit moderately ill COVID-19 patients
REMAP-CAP an application in Spiral’s study manifest, has recently been used in a collaborative clinical trial that focused on identifying effective treatments for critically ill Covid-19 patients.

Therapeutic Anticoagulation in Non-Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19
Therapeutic Anticoagulation in Non-Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19 - a recently published report discusses a trial that employed #REMAP-CAP as one of its three collaborating platforms.

Covid-19, the world’s most complex clinical trial, and the small New Zealand company who made it possible
A small software company in New Zealand, Spiral, helped to create a ground-breaking clinical trial in unprecedented timeframes. One that had a real, human benefit for COVID-19 sufferers around the world.