Email only users

Email notifications come as standard in Spinnaker. Much as we all hate to receive unwanted emails there are always emails or notifications that we welcome; so we make those notifications configurable and specific for each project. Each user has their own specific email profile, or they use the default for their group.

There are some instances when a person needs/wants email notifications but you don’t want them signing in to your database. Heres a couple of examples:

  • a hospital dietician wants to personally check in with each patient in your trial. You could send them a list but with an email notification, every time a patient at your hospital is randomised into at your trial, they can make their own list

  • maybe one of your hospital investigators is on the management committee and wants to be cognizant of each randomisation in their country or region. You might want them restricted to just their hospital for randomising and patient privacy.

Welcome to “Email only users”, a new user group just added to Spinnaker where the user receives email notifications and nothing else. Inform that dietician, notify that investigator …. how might you use this group?

p.s. our example shows an “Email only” user group that will receive notifications from within their region


Red & Amber ranges synopsis


Last week our team got together at an old lodge in Petone